Descrição do Taz
Is it possi54rummy.comble to create a fun way to share ‘real life’? To feel closer to your friends and family? To have fun in big groups without feeling like you’re always playing catch-up?
Why did we start Taz and does the world really need another social media app?
• Real life is about what’s happening ‘Now’ - It may not be spectacular or glossy, but it’s interesting because it’s real and happening at this very moment.
• Real life is an exchange - It’s not one person broadcasting to others, it’s all of us in groups exchanging with one another what we’re up to.
• Privacy matters - We know that some of you care less about privacy than others, but it matters to us. We promise to always respect your privacy and guard it to the best of our ability.
We’re only just getting started so shoot us a line at [email protected] with your feedback and suggestions.